Stage Fright
Chris Fisherman is an American actor living in Bucharest, Romania with his beautiful and intelligent Romanian wife, Ana, a screenwriter. With a burgeoning stand up comedy scene gaining popularity in Bucharest, Chris decides, after 25 years as an actor, to pursue another dream: becoming a stand-up comedian, mostly at the urging of Ana. In Romania. In English.
Despite less than 6 months experience, Chris scores a meeting with the casting director for igluma, a Romanian stand-up comedy competition on the national tv network Satelit. At the meeting, he is invited to compete on the show. Will it be his big break? Or will it just break him?
James Longshore is an author, award-winning actor and comedian born on the gritty streets of New York City and raised on stage. He has been called a ‘watchable leading man’.
He holds a degree in film directing from Los Angeles Film School, studied Creative Writing at New School University, Screenwriting at West Hollywood Adult School and attended High School for Creative and Performing Arts as a drama major.
Mr. Longshore has appeared on screen with Oscar nominees and worked with some of the most esteemed film directors in Europe. He also holds the dubious distinction of appearing in films that screened at both Venice Film Festival in Venezia, Italy and The Other Venice Film Festival (real name!) in Venice, California.
He lives in Bucharest with his wife Bianca Mina, co-writer of the hit Antena 1 series ‘Adela’, ‘Room 609’, and ‘Lia’, showrunner of the hit PROtv sitcom ‘Tanti Florica’ and producer of ‘A Son of Man’, Ecuador’s 2018 entry for the Best Foreign-Language Film Academy Award.
Oh, and their cat, Baby Yoda.
Mr. Longshore has appeared on screen with Oscar nominees and worked with some of the most esteemed film directors in Europe. He also holds the dubious distinction of appearing in films that screened at both Venice Film Festival in Venezia, Italy and The Other Venice Film Festival (real name!) in Venice, California.
He lives in Bucharest with his wife Bianca Mina, co-writer of the hit Antena 1 series ‘Adela’, ‘Room 609’, and ‘Lia’, showrunner of the hit PROtv sitcom ‘Tanti Florica’ and producer of ‘A Son of Man’, Ecuador’s 2018 entry for the Best Foreign-Language Film Academy Award.
Oh, and their cat, Baby Yoda.
An apariție: 2024
Ediție: Necartonată
Format: 205 x 130 x 15 mm
Nr. pagini: 196
Limba: Engleză
Cod: LIB978-606-029-782-6
Ediție: Necartonată
Format: 205 x 130 x 15 mm
Nr. pagini: 196
Limba: Engleză
Cod: LIB978-606-029-782-6
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